Saturday, July 20, 2013

Defending the Sanctity of Human Life

Sanctity of Human Life

"In view of the widespread public interest in the issue of abortion, we reaffirm that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has consistently opposed elective abortion.  More than a century ago, the First presidency of the Church warned against this evil.  We have repeatedly counseled people everywhere to turn from the devastating practice of abortion for personal or social convenience" (First Presidency, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (1991, March). Church issues statement on abortion. Ensign, 21,78.)

Unfortunately, it has become the easy way out when teenagers, or people that do not want to have a baby get pregnant.  This is SO WRONG!  If you did not want to have a baby then why aren't you practicing abstinence, or at least using a contraceptive?  For those people who have become pregnant, I personally believe it is better to have that innocent child and then give him or her up to an adoption agency or find a family that is really loving and will want a child.


"What does this all have to do with abortion and the Church's position? We believe that abortion should never be used as a form of birth control. That even advising abortion as a method of birth control is a serious sin. The only times we have been counseled that abortion may be an option is when the mother's life is in danger and a professional doctor confirms it, or when a woman has been raped or involved in incest, or when a doctor says the child will be born with defects that will not allow it to live much beyond birth. The church's position isn't that you SHOULD have abortions under those circumstances, but that those circumstances are the only ones where a potential mother can justify an abortion and not sin against God's laws. Even then, abortion should only be chosen after careful consideration and prayer. No matter when you believe the spirit enters the body, the growing baby inside a woman is a growing person and must be treated as any other person should!" (Josh. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. July 2013. 

Appropriate and Legal Ways to Support the Sacredness of Life

The number one way to not have abortion apart of your life of course is to maintain and promote chastity and fidelity.  Abortion would never even come up in this scenario.  The other ways are covered by the First Presidency in which they say:

  1. Help provide for unwed parents.
  2. Become better informed.
  3. Discuss the sanctity of life accurately and appropriately.
  4. Recognize the consequences of abortion.
  5. Strengthen our testimonies of the sanctity of life.
Mistakes are bound to happen because we are not perfect and the Lord understands this.  But if we are to make those mistakes, then we should NOT choose abortion.  There are so many families out there that have amazing parents that are looking for a little child to take care of.  The LDS Family Services is a huge organization that helps people from all religions and economic background.  They are there to help you with making the hard decision of keeping the baby or putting it up for adoption.  

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